Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Spoiled Rotten

So, I made a post a few days ago about how Melissa was not sleeping, well I guess I should take it back because I put her to bed about 11:30pm and she is still sleeping! She woke up at about 8:00am to eat and she went back to sleep and pretty soon here I will go wake her up! It's crazy! I put her in pajamas that have feet attached and I think that helped because her feet didn't get cold like the night before last. I just love watching her sleep. She gets into this dreaming mode where her eyes move about and open and close and then her mouth smiles, then frowns, then smiles. Oh I just love her!
I took a picture of her feetsies and her beautiful sleeping position. She is sooo long! We were at Target the other day and they have a size chart to help figure out what size your baby is. Well Melissa is 24 in long (or she was a month ago) and the size chart says she would be a size 6months! Which I have no doubt . Her pajamas I put on her last night we 3/6 months and she doesn't have much growing room left. She has plenty of growing room width wise but length...nope! But she's so dang cute that I don't even care!


Jenny said...

Arrrrrrggghhh! That sleeping picture is so adorable! I just want to pinch her cheeks (but that would probably wake her up)

Simply Sarah *K* said...

OH my gosh! she is a cutie! I LOVE it when they SLEEP!!! :P