Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling!"

Ok, so I just don't have the heart to put President and Obama together. I know some of you think it's all great and dandy but I just don't. I have really gotten wrapped up in this election, just like the last election but I feel this one had more at stake. It's not that I am racist in any way, I love my fellow black people, but it's everything that he stands for. I have allowed myself just one day to rant and rave about this and then you shall not hear any more from me, so that being said YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

His VP is for voting against Prop 8 in California. Obama himself is for live abortion (which if you don't know what that means it is actually starting premature labor and giving birth to a 22 or so week old baby and then leaving it in a room to die a horrible slow death). Why can't we have access to his personal records like his birth certificate? I mean come on there is a lawsuit out there by a democrat that is trying to gain access to it. Then there is just to much coincidence when it comes to him being friends with terrorists. I could go on and show you videos and put in quotes that he has said or plans on doing that point towards a socialist view but I won't.

I think we are at that time that the scriptures warn about. Now is the time to make your homes even stronger. Now is the time to get out of debt, save money, and build up your food storage. Get your lives in order and quit procrastinating! We can no longer sit on the fence of doing or not doing. Choose the Right and move on without looking back. Be an example and you will have nothing to fear.

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