Monday, October 20, 2008

Back & Tummy Time

Since Melissa was 2 months old she LOVES being able to see EVERYTHING! She is one of the most alert babies I have ever been around. She loves to sit up and see the world. That being said, I have been horrible about giving her back and tummy time. I am just so worried that she will miss that vital step of learning to roll over and then go straight to walking, instead of crawling first. Who knew that those steps were so important. Anywho, since we got home she has found a new love of being on her back. It also helps to turn on Noggin (thanks Mom for those dvds!) while she lays there, but she has also become more interactive with her toys. She loves to grab on to them and make them make nows. She also scootches around so that she is almost completely turned around.
She was straight on with the butterfly but she just can't stop wriggling around.
I just can't believe how much she is really smiling, with a real smile! She is so dang cute! I just love her so much!
I LOVE this picture. Melissa and Maggie are having a staring contest. She loves to watch Maggie. Maggie is really good with her too. She sniffs her but keeps her distance.
Tummy time is here! She is doing so well with keeping her head up and she even kicks her legs while doing it. She doesn't last too long, mainly because she starts to spit up but little by little she will get better.

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