Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just Keep on Shovelin'

December 6, 2008
Along with snow comes the never ending task of shoveling. It really never ends until winter is over. By the time you shovel the walk, the wind blows and then it snows again and then you start all over. Jon has really enjoyed shoveling our side walk. He always feels bad when our neighbors get to it before he does. I think it gives him a sense of ownership, not that we own our property but that he has the ability to take care of the "yard."
We have found a new game to play with Maggie. It's called "Pick up as much snow with the shovel as you can and then throw it on Maggie!" It's really dry snow up here so it just falls apart. Maggie seems to have fun playing the game.
Every time you come in from outside you must hit your shoes on the step to knock all of the snow off before coming in. We know when our neighbors are home because you can hear the "knock knock" of their shoes. I had to take the reindeer Welcome sign off of the door for the simple reason that it gets so cold that the nose of the daddy reindeer freezes to the glass door and then his nose gets ripped off every time you open the door. Poor guy!

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